CENTA produces an enhanced version of its Torque Hub, the slip clutch which offers a simple and low-cost design for torque overload generator protection. In wind power plants, electrical circuit problems are known to cause short-term torque peaks. In this event, slip clutches protect the costly gearbox against overload by slipping at a defined maximum […]
Torque Limiters
Servo Torque Limiter from R+W America
Protection of an electromechanical system from torque overload is often assumed to be guaranteed by the current limits set in the drive parameters. But in the case of hard stops, impacts and other situations where overload occurs very rapidly, sufficient energy to do damage often exists in the rotating inertia driving the load. R+W servo-rated […]
Precision Torque Limiter with Clamping Hub
R+W torque limiters provide inexpensive insurance with little effect on machine performance. Utilizing a patented preload internal to it’s ball-detent mechanism, R+W torque limiters are all backlash free and highly responsive, with the ability to completely disconnect the drive and driven components in under 3msecs. Disengagement torque can be adjusted in the field, and several […]
Torque Limiters Tag-team to Prevent Overloads
For bottlers, protecting motion and assuring smooth, continuous operation in filler systems are critical in preventing system downtime. To guard against overloads and other system jam-ups, automated filling systems incorporate all types of devices including shear pins, electronic limit switches, and various types of mechanical stopping devices. These options may get the job done, but […]