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Meet the PTDA Canadian Conference speakers

Opening Keynote
Wednesday, June 8 | 9:30–10:30 AM

Clearing the Way: Leading from the Front
Mark Gasparotto, President, The Gasparotto Group
A servant leader leads by example and from the front, clearing the way for their people and their organization to reach the most ambitious goals. A decorated military officer, author, and award-winning speaker, retired Colonel Mark Gasparotto will take participants on a global tour of peacekeeping, combat and disaster relief missions through the lens of his own experience, Mark vividly describes the application of leadership and team building principles to overcome great challenges.

Keynote Speaker
Wednesday, June 8 | 11:00 AM–12:00 PM

Presented by PT WORK Force (an initiative of the PTDA Foundation)
Growth Minded Recruitment
Rick Denley, Transformational Growth Expert and Best-Selling Author
How do you overcome one of the largest challenges created by the pandemic and grow your organization? Denley will explain how moving away from traditional means of hiring to focus on values, attitudes and commitment, leaders can define and craft a growth-minded company culture that succeeds in the new hybrid work model. Staff-centric and collaborative career planning can fulfill growth needs of both the organization and individuals, fostering a winning mindset top talent envies.

Luncheon Speaker
Wednesday, June 8 | 12:00–1:00 PM

Climate Tech: An Emerging Opportunity
Tom Dielschneider, Vice President, Global Supply Chain, Svante

Climate technology (which includes the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere) has become a multi-trillion-dollar industry. As companies develop technology to remove CO2, either in the atmosphere or from emissions at industrial plants, opportunities exist for distributors and manufacturers to provide essential PT/MC parts. Tom will address ways governments and industry are pivoting to address the climate crisis and how PTDA members can play a role.

Leadership Enhancement Workshop
Wednesday, June 8 | 1:00–3:00 PM

Six Mindsets to Power Your Leadership
Ryan Walter, Former NHL Player and Hall of Fame Inductee
Recover, Regroup, Re-Attack. Ryan will address these three key conversational techniques and how they can increase cognition, space and resilience. He’ll also share his proprietary “Utilizing Our Thinking Tendencies Model” which can help leaders in any organization learn to channel energy into influencing personal and cultural communication to drive performance and solve problems.

Executive Leaders Roundtables
*By invitation only
Wednesday, June 8 | 1:00–3:00 PM

Moderated by JP Bouchard, General Bearing Inc. and
Jean-Sebastien Lavigne, AMMEGA
Specifically designed for chief and senior executive management, join your distributor and manufacturer peers in an open exchange about the forces of changes and the future of distribution.

Closing Keynote
Thursday, June 9 | 8:00–9:00 AM

Winning Leadership
Ryan Walter, Former NHL Player and Hall of Fame Inductee

Ryan will share leadership skills practiced inside NHL locker rooms that also apply to corporate board rooms and can set leaders apart and activate winning energy. His 17 seasons as an NHL player and coach and current role training leaders gives Ryan a unique perspective on helping others achieve their best. He’ll address how best to handle pressure, overcome adversity, lead by example and how to stay resilient, among other topics.


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