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4 coupling misalignment videos you need to see


Shaft misalignment can hit you from almost any angle, literally and figuratively. While there are many causes for detrimental misalignment, the problem often begins with installation. Collected here is a short list of some of the best videos on shaft misalignment. These clips will help set you up for success and prevent both you and your motion system from getting all bent out of shape.

1. shaft alignment fundamentals

In this 16+ minute clip we have an older but professionally made video covering shaft misalignment beyond just the basics. Thermal expansion factors, different types of misalignment tests and other information make this an excellent all around video on misalignment.

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2. Shaft Alignment Concepts: Runout

Runout. Not a complicated concept but a formidable problem if not addressed early. This short video clearly and simply defines what it is and why it’s important.

3. Shaft Alignment Concepts: The Basics

The title pretty much says it all. This video uses respectable graphics and overall high production value to illustrate  collinearity and the hazards of misalignment.

4. shaft coupling alignment

Plenty of opinions about this video are strewn about its comments section on YouTube. Perhaps not an internet firestorm, (if there could be such a thing for a shaft misalignment video) but at 121K views and counting, it’s at least worth watching for yourself. Are the paper drawings clear and elegantly simple… or just, you know, simple. We’ll let you be the judge.

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