Huco Dynatork, an Altra Industrial Motion company, offers the worlds most comprehensive range of small precision couplings from a single manufacturer. Huco’s precision couplings are ideal for use in high-end servo drives, pulse generators, scanners, X-Y positioning slides, high speed dynamometers, measuring instruments, robotics, machine tools and in many other applications where specific dimensional or performance criteria is required.
Because there is such a wide range of different motion control couplings from which the design engineer can choose, Huco offers a complete Design Guide to coupling performance characteristics on the company’s website.
The website also contains a unique Coupling Selector designers can use as a tool to identify the coupling types that meet their design criteria for angular, radial or axial misalignment, or a combination of all three. The interactive tool helps designers understand whether they need a bellows, membrane, sliding disc or helical beam, or another design.
The Coupling Selector takes the key information provided about the application and presents all the couplings that fit the criteria, with a link to the detailed specification of each coupling. Selection is based upon coupling type (mechanism), dimensions, shaft connections, performance, displacement and other conditions.
I need your support with purchasing the old coupling model made by:
GERWAH PRAZISION DK45/47 which is not available anymore.
Is there any way i can get this spacific coupling model? Any store/jobbers that still have this model?